Dams & Reservoirs: Embankment Dams  

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Chinchan, Atachocha, and Chacras de Coria Dams
Peru (Wahler & Associates)

Project Manager for seismic stability evaluations of the dams and foundation alluvium (left in place in all three cases). The stability evaluations included development of seismic design criteria (time-history of ground acceleration), liquefaction analyses, post-earthquake stability analyses, and deformation analysis.

Culmback Dam
Utility District #1 of Snohomish County

Special consultant to review the technical issues regarding the proposed 62-ft raising of the existing 200-ft high rockfill dam. Examined and evaluated the strength and deformation properties of the rockfill materials and developed design details for keying the two (new and old) segments to provide deformation compatibility of different dam segments. Also provided review of the assumed rockfill material strength and slope stability of the slopes.

Elderberry Dam
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Co-project Manager for the design of the 180-ft high zoned earth/rockfill dam which provides the afterbay reservoir of the 1,250 MW Castaic pump-storage power facility. The design included considerations of the 52-ft in 65-hr rapid drawdown imposed by weekly operational plans for the reservoir. Design report and efforts also included instrumentation and monitoring recommendations and operations and maintenance manuals, as well as performance and evaluation of a test section to assess suitability of the siltstone bedrock locally available from the required power plant excavation. The design analyses efforts also included performance of dynamic finite element analysis (one of the first ever performed in U.S.) to assess the stability of the dam in case of a maximum credible earthquake (MCE) on the nearby San Andreas fault.

Forrest Lake Dam
California-American Water Company

Project Manager for the DSOD required comprehensive geotechnical and seismicity investigations and safety analysis of the 60-ft high dam, spillway, and the brick-mortar outlet tower built in 1892. Subsequently designed a new combined inlet outlet structure and measures to improve seismic stability of the embankment (stability berms and seepage control measures).

Lake Herman Dam
City of Benicia, Dept. of Public Works

Project Manager for the comprehensive safety investigations of the 51 foot high earth dam and its intake/outlet tower built in 1905, and its foundation alluvium (the dam had survived the San Francisco 1906 earthquake). Investigations included drilling, sampling, and testing of the embankment and foundation alluvium, liquefaction, pore pressure dissipation, and stability analyses. The studies also included spillway capacity rating for SDF. The dam and foundation alluvium were found to meet the safety requirements of DSOD. Subsequently designed spillway modifications to increase capacity to accommodate SDF as required by DSOD.

Pishin Dam
Iran Ministry of Water & Power

Principal-in-Charge of design investigations of the proposed 270 ft high dam. Investigations included foundation drilling and testing (water pressure, grouting, modulus [Menard pressuremeter] and strength tests) and borrow material investigations and tests. Also served as co-project manager for the preliminary layout and design of the dam its appurtenant structures, quality estimations, and cost estimations.

Proposed Earth Dam and Reclaimed Water Reservoir
City of Industry, Dept. of Public Works

Project Manager & Project Engineer for finite element analysis of seepage, using variable head boundary condition finite element (first time in U.S. outside of academia) analysis, through the earth dam section of the proposed unlined treated wastewater reservoir in the City of Industry. The results were then used to assess the stability of slopes, and to evaluate total seepage quantity and potential impacts to the groundwater.

Proposed Saw Mill Dam
Pebble Beach Public Utilities Department

Project Manager and Project Engineer for feasibility investigations of the proposed 35-ft high dam and treated wastewater reservoir. Investigations includes borings and sampling and laboratory testing, and preliminary design and stability evaluations for the dam, location of proposed treatment plant, and along the 1.5-mile main water line.

Pyramid Dam and Oroville Dam
State of California, Dept. of Water Resources

Research Assistant in charge of developing strength and deformation properties of the rockfill materials considered for the final design and construction of the Pyramid Dam, 386-ft high zoned rockfill dam creating the 180,000 the forebay reservoir of the Castaic Power complex; and the Oroville Dam, 742-ft high zoned rockfill dam creating 3.54-maf Oroville reservoir. The comprehensive testing and research results (published in ASCE, Vol. 98, SMI, as well as most resent geotechnical text book) included gradation modeling of the rockfill materials and testing of 3-ft diameter and 7.5 ft high samples (as well as smaller samples) in triaxial testing machine under effective confining pressures ranging from 30 to 750 psi. The research also included evaluation of deformation and particle breakage of the rockfill materials for final design verifications of the two dams.

Summit Dam
East Bay Municipal Utility District

Project Manager for the DSOD required safety investigations and analyses of the 61-ft high earth dam and 117-af covered reservoir built in 1881. Performed geotechnical and earthquake engineering investigations including drilling, sampling, and laboratory testing, faulting and seismicity studies, and development of ground motion time-histories, and 3D finite element dynamic stability analysis of the earth dam and its intake and outlet structures, which are only a few hundred feet from the Hayward fault. The results indicated that the dam and its appurtenant structures meet the safety criteria of DSOD.

Warm Springs Dam
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Principal-in-Charge of detailed post-construction review of design memoranda, design drawings and specifications, construction records and design modifications of the 319-ft high zoned earth dam and the 381,000 af reservoir. Subsequently prepared final ?As-Constructed? drawings and also the operation and maintenance (O&M) manual.

Whale Rock Dam
Whale Rock Commission

Project Manager for the DSOD required comprehensive safety investigations of the 193 foot high zoned earth dam (40,000 reservoir) which was built in 1960 and is in the proximity of the Hasgri fault, anticipating a MCE of M 7H causing peak ground acceleration of 0.6g. Investigations included drilling, sampling, and testing of the embankment and foundation alluvium, liquefaction and stability analyses based on 3D-finite element stress analyses and pore pressure generation/dissipation analyses. Analyses indicated that the dam meets the safety criteria of DSOD.


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