Principal-in-Charge for Phase I and Project manager for phase II of a 3 phase, investigation, design and con-struction project to harness the prime geothermal resources of Iran (5 zones, each approximately 400 sq. km.) Di-rected and supervised detail geological mapping, and spring and stream sampling and chemical analyses, structural fracture analysis (3-D lineament analysis and depiction of high intensity fractures ? zones of high hot water availability), and near surface temperature distribution. Project scientist for this assignment ? Dr. Robert Bowen, authored a text book ?Geothermal Resources? which was later published by Applied Science Publishers, Ltd. of London.
For Phase II, directed detailed and large scale geophysical investigations (gravity, electrical conductivity and some refraction surveys) and zoom deep borings for temperature gradient and geophysical surveys followed by one pilot production well in each of the geothermal resource zones. |